Usually when we bake stroopwafels, we have a few misprints. I mean broken edges. This can happen when the waffle maker is too hot or you leave the waffle too long in the iron, or you are distracted after the waffle is ready and you don’t split it immediately.
Well, those misprints are usually distributed amongst our friends, who can still enjoy them.
So it happened that the wife of my colleague Fausto Sivelli came to me and said “私はストロープワッフル中毒です”: I am addicted to stroopwafels. Whenever she receives a new batch of misprints, she immediately starts eating them and when they are finished, she craves for more. Well, perhaps it is better to be addicated to stroopwafels, rather than cigarettes or alcohol. I guess there might be some Dutch people that are addicted to stroopwafels, but she must be the first Japanese stroopwafel addict.